Of deep-meaning philosophies where only showbiz loses
We're the dandy highwaymen and here's our invitation:
"Throw your safety overboard and join our insect nation!"
So, here's the skinny: Round of Words in 80 Days.
I decided that small measurable goals would help motivate me, and since I'm so horribly out of sync time-wise with my usual writing dervishes (The Dandy Highwaywomen, actually) that I wanted a way to connect with them (possibly, if I can motivate them to take a bite of this lovely apple) and/or other authors. It's been motivating getting in touch via Twitter and Facebook, but some actual dialogue or inspiration is still necessary for me. I'm a carrot, more than a stick, girl.
Okay. Chocolate-girl.
Anyway, It's been invigorating to see others hyped up and meeting the MEASURABLE goals. No high-in-the-sky goals. Those are my Big Project goals, my Beginning with the End in Mind Goals. (Yes, how very 7 Habits, right?) Something I can pat myself on the back, and actually feel like I can get done in tandem with this raising kids, dogs, fish and God-Knows-What-Else!
With that in mind here are my measurable, attainable goals for #ROW80, starting July 1st.
1) I will write 800 words per day. Unflaggingly. Even if it's word-barf-minestrone-insanity by the end of the night.
B) Yes. B, thank you very much. I will read at least 2 pages of Non-Fiction research a day.
4.3) I will do my ROW80 check-ins.
c) I will limit my FB/Twitter activity to 1 hour in the morning, and any additional time after the 800 words per day are done. There will be WORD SALAD!!
Lastly) I haven't figured out if there is a lastly yet. TBD
Yep. There you have it. It's time to get on top of this, and move my craft forward. Like the great philosopher and fashonista Adam Ant once said: "We're the dandy highwaymen so tired of excuses!"
No more procrastination! WIP: "STAND AND DELIVER!!!!"