Monday, August 1, 2011

August 21, 2011. Pretty Death.

This is D-Day! Or rather, First Release Day! In "Rocky Horror Picture Show" terms, I am a "Virgin," and "Pretty Death"with Bonaparte Press will be the first book I publish. The first of many more (fingers crossed) and a story that has been a long time coming. It has morphed over time, and the entities that inhabit my paranormal streets of Los Angeles have changed and expanded. A fascination with shapeshifters, shamen, Mayan mythology and other things that slip in the shadows has made its way onto the page. Now I hope there are enough of you out there who will enjoy it as well.
Plus, if you don't like it, Ivy will hack your email. (Just kidding! See, she's a fictional character, right?)

Now to put more meat in the webpage!

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